A parallax background with a fixed camera is easy to do, but since i'm making a topdown view 2D space exploration game, I figured that having a single SKSpriteNode filling the screen and being a child of my SKCameraNode and using a SKShader to draw a parallax starfield would be easier.
I went on shadertoy and found this simple looking shader. I adapted it successfully on shadertoy to accept a vec2() for the velocity of the movement that I want to pass as an SKAttribute so it can follow the movement of my ship.
Here is the original source: https://www.shadertoy.com/view/XtjSDh
I managed to make the conversion of the original code so it compiles without any error, but nothing shows up on the screen. I tried the individual functions and they do work to generate a fixed image.
Any pointers to make it work?
EDIT : Code is clean and working now. I've setup a GitHub repo for this.
I guess I didnt explain what I wanted properly. I needed a starfield background that follows the camera like you could find in Subspace (back in the days)
The result is pretty cool and convincing! I'll probably come back to this later when the node quantity becomes a bottleneck. I'm still convinced that the proper way to do that is with shaders!
Here is a link to my code on GitHub. I hope it can be useful to someone. It's still a work in progress but it works well. Included in the repo is the source from SKTUtils (a library by Ray Wenderlich that is already freely available on github) and from my own extension to Ray's tools that I called nuts-n-bolts. these are just extensions for common types that everyone should find useful. You, of course, have the source for the StarfieldNode and the InteractiveCameraNode along with a small demo project.
This isn't really an answer, but it's a lot more info than a comment, and highlights some of the oddness and appropriateness of how SK does particles:
There's a couple of weird things about particles in SceneKit, that might apply to SpriteKit.
From the docs:
For most applications, this is the wrong behaviour, in fact. But for what you're wanting to do, this is ideal. You can position new SKNodeEmitters offscreen where the ship is heading, and fix them to "space" so they rotate in conjunction with the directional changes of the player's ship, and the particles will do exactly as you want/need to create the feeling of moving throughout space.
This means you can have stars ready to show wherever the ship is heading to, through space, as the SKEmittors come on screen. There's no need for a loading delay to build stars, this does it immediately.
As near as I can figure, you'd need a 3 particle emitters to pull this off, each the size of the screen of the device. Burst the particles out, then release each layer you want for parallax to a target node at the right "depth" from the camera, and carry on by moving these targets as per the screen movement.
Bit messy, but probably quicker, easier, and much more powerfully full of potential for playful effects than creating your own system.
Maybe... I could be wrong.