I had 10 repositories connected to svn/github before Xcode5 update, however after updating to Xcode5 I do not know If I will get a change to look at all the connected repositories as in Xcode4.x. How do I get to see all the projects connected to svn/github?
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Look in Xcode's Accounts preferences. Also take a look at the following question:
Xcode 5 How to go to Repositories window?
I've figured it out:
1, You can checkout, pull, commit, push existing repositories if you go to the menu Source Control -> Checkout... and than, you have three tabs, Recents, Favourites, Repositories. That's where you find your repos.
2, You can add new repositories by going into the menu XCode -> Preferences -> Accounts
I also have trouble with my repositories because the only option available to me is "Check Out..." despite my repositories are configured and enable in Xcode>Preferences>Account (see joined picture).
How do I update or commit my repositories now ?
Screen shot of Xcode where all option for 'source control', but 'Check Out', are unvalaible