I know the URI of a single song. How do I get the song's info, title track, ect.
Sorry all posts I can find provide a method to index the entire library, not how to get a single know URI song's info. This is what I am using to get the URI. audioID is being stored in a SharedPrefs. Thanks
String audioID;
Intent i = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_PICK, MediaStore.Audio.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI);
startActivityForResult(i, REQUEST_MEDIA);//REQUEST_MEDIA is some const int to operate with in onActivityResult
if (requestCode == REQUEST_MEDIA && resultCode == RESULT_OK) {
audioID = data.getDataString();
The answer above just couldn't get the ball going for me unfortunately, however I discovered this for anyone still looking.
This code is courtesy from this post right here :-)
I answered my own question, hopefully this helps someone else in the future.