I am trying to add knockout JS to a search page on our website. Currently you open up a jQuery dialog box, which has a number of checkboxes of criteria that you can select.
There are multiple dialogs with multiple types of criteria. When you open the dialog, the checkboxes do not take effect until you hit an "Update" button, if you click cancel or just close the window, the changes you made get reverted and the dialog is set to its former state.
I read this and a few other posts. However this seems to only work with ko.observable
, and I cannot seem to get it to work with ko.observableArray
Has anyone accomplished this or have any ideas?
An example of what I want to do:
<label><input type="checkbox" data-bind="checked: genders" value="1" />Male</label>
<label><input type="checkbox" data-bind="checked: genders" value="2" />Female</label>
<a id="buttonCancel">Cancel</a>
<a id="buttonUpdate">Update</a>
<div data-bind="text: ko.toJSON(viewModel)"></div>
var viewModel = {
genders: ko.observableArrayWithUndo([])
return false;
Given HTML similar to:
You could use some Knockout code similar to this, basically saving the undo stack as a JSON string representation of the state after every change. Basically you create a fake dependent observable to subscribe to all the properties in the view, alternatively you could manually iterate and subscribe to each property.
I have a sample of N-Level undo with knockout here:
You may be able to adapt for your uses.
Here would be one way to approach it:
You would bind your checkboxes to yourName.temp and the other part of your UI to just yourName.
Here is a sample: http://jsfiddle.net/rniemeyer/YrfyW/
The slice(0) is one way to get a shallow copy of an array (or even just slice()). Otherwise, you would be performing operations on a reference to the same array.