I am working on a simple UWP project using data template binding in VS 2015. When ever I try to specify the type for the Datatemplate I get an error.
<Page x:Name="RootPage"
mc:Ignorable="d" FontSize="22" >
<SplitView x:Name="MySplitView" Grid.Row="1" DisplayMode="CompactOverlay" Background="LightGray" OpenPaneLength="200" >
<ListView x:Name="MyListview" ItemsSource="{x:Bind NavigationItems}" >
<DataTemplate x:DataType="local:NavItem" >
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
<Button x:Name="Icon" FontFamily="Segoe MDL2 Assets" Content="{x:Bind ButtonIcon}" Width="50" Height="50"/>
<TextBlock x:Name="Section" Text="{x:Bind SectionTitle}" RelativePanel.RightOf="Icon" />
This is the class:
namespace Adaptive_News_Layout
public class NavItem
public string ButtonIcon { get; set; }
public string SectionTitle { get; set; }
The error reads: The name "NavItem" does not exist in the namespace "using:Adaptive_News_Layout"
I figured out what the problem was. It's a glitch in Visual Studio 2015. After you add a namespace in XAML it's best to compile/ test run your program or you will get this problem. To fix it just:
I found that I had unintentionally defined the same object in a sub-namespace. once I got rid of the second definition, this problem disappeared
You have to declare 'local' namespace in section which can be found on the top of ypur Xaml file. You will see many namespace with format xmlns:Name ="value" Add your name space with Name =local and Value as your Namespace