In my application I am having various images of different different shapes. Like tree, cloud. (Sample image is attached). I want to add border to those shapes pro-grammatically. Like if image is of tree then need to highlight tree shape. I cannot use calayer as it will apply border to UIImageView. Can anyone guide me how to achieve this?
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You can apply border to objects present in the image using OpenCV framework.
Check this link. Here edges are detected of an image and border is applied to it. I hope this will give exact idea which you want.
I just did the same thing but with a white border. I created a mask with a white body and 4px black stroke around the outside to give me the uniform border I want around my target image. The followng takes advantage of Core Image filters to mask off a solid color background (to be used as the border) and then to mask off and composite the target image.
Simple option is to draw the image twice, first with a small scale applied to grow the image a little. Masking if the images aren't transparent (but are black&white).