from datasets import dataset_utils ImportError: No module named datasets. when i am writing this in python sript.
import tensorflow as tf
from datasets import dataset_utils
slim = tf.contrib.slim
But i am getting error.
from datasets import dataset_utils
ImportError: No module named datasets
I found this solution How can jupyter access a new tensorflow module installed in the right path? I did the same and i have dataset packages at path anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/. Still i am getting same error.
It's using the datasets package in the TF-slim image models library, which is in:
git clone
Having done that though, in order to import the module as shown in the example on the slim image page, empty have to be added to the models and models/slim directories.
Datasets is present in Since 'models' are not installable from pip (at the time of writing), they are not available in python load paths by default. So either we copy them or manually add to the path. Here is how I setup env before running the code:
You can find the folder address on your device and append it to system path.
You'll need to do the same with 'nets' and 'preprocessing'