I'm trying to work out how to use the groupby
function in pandas to work out the proportions of values per year with a given Yes/No criteria.
For example, I have a dataframe called names
Name Number Year Sex Criteria
0 name1 789 1998 Male N
1 name1 688 1999 Male N
2 name1 639 2000 Male N
3 name2 551 1998 Male Y
4 name2 499 1999 Male Y
I can use
namesgrouped = names.groupby(["Sex", "Year", "Criteria"]).sum()
to get:
Sex Year Criteria
Male 1998 N 14507
Y 2308
1999 N 14119
Y 2331
and so on. I would like the 'Number Criteria' column to show the % of the total for each gender and year - so instead of N = 14507 and Y = 2308 for 1998 above I'd have N = 86.27% and Y = 13.73%.
Can anyone advise how to do this?
This question is a direct extension of the suggested duplicate. Borrowing from the accepted answer, this will work: