I've written a simple code that converts a regular date to Julian date.
Here's the code for those who need the same conversion:
public int convertToJulian(String unformattedDate)
/*Unformatted Date: ddmmyyyy*/
int resultJulian = 0;
if(unformattedDate.length() > 0)
/*Days of month*/
int[] monthValues = {31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31};
String dayS, monthS, yearS;
dayS = unformattedDate.substring(0,2);
monthS = unformattedDate.substring(3, 5);
yearS = unformattedDate.substring(6, 10);
/*Convert to Integer*/
int day = Integer.valueOf(dayS);
int month = Integer.valueOf(monthS);
int year = Integer.valueOf(yearS);
//Leap year check
if(year % 4 == 0)
monthValues[1] = 29;
//Start building Julian date
String julianDate = "1";
//last two digit of year: 2012 ==> 12
julianDate += yearS.substring(2,4);
int julianDays = 0;
for (int i=0; i < month-1; i++)
julianDays += monthValues[i];
julianDays += day;
if(String.valueOf(julianDays).length() < 2)
julianDate += "00";
if(String.valueOf(julianDays).length() < 3)
julianDate += "0";
julianDate += String.valueOf(julianDays);
resultJulian = Integer.valueOf(julianDate);
return resultJulian;
This code converts 01.01.2013 to 113001
What I want to do is to convert a Julian date to regular date without time details. For example: Julian date is 113029 ==> Regular date 29.01.2013
Please give me your ideas on how to do it.
If you want 113029 ==> 29.01.2013 try