Connecting Unity3d with Node.js

2019-03-28 11:36发布

I am trying to use to connect my unity3d program with node.js server.

Using the UnitySocketIO, I succeeded the connection between the client and server.

However, On or Emit method does not work.

Can someone help me with this problem?

void Start () {

    string socketUrl = "";
    Debug.Log("socket url: " + socketUrl);

    this.socket = new Client(socketUrl);
    this.socket.Opened += this.SocketOpened;
    this.socket.Message += this.SocketMessage;
    this.socket.SocketConnectionClosed += this.SocketConnectionClosed;
    this.socket.Error += this.SocketError;


private void SocketOpened (object sender, EventArgs e) {
    Debug.Log("socket opened");                  // i got this message
    this.socket.On ("message", (data) => {
        Debug.Log ("message : " + data);
    this.socket.Emit("join", "abc"); 
    Debug.Log("Emit done");                  // i got this message


io.sockets.on('connection', function (socket) {

    console.log('connect');                  // i got this message

    socket.emit('message', 'Hello World!');

    socket.on('join', function (id) {
        console.log('client joined with id ' + id);
        socket.emit('message', 'Hello ' + id);

2楼-- · 2019-03-28 12:13

Your event probably attached in wrong order, try like this:

void Start() {
    string socketUrl = "";
    Debug.Log("socket url: " + socketUrl);

    this.socket = new Client(socketUrl);
    this.socket.Opened += this.SocketOpened;
    this.socket.Message += this.SocketMessage;
    this.socket.SocketConnectionClosed += this.SocketConnectionClosed;
    this.socket.Error += this.SocketError;

    this.socket.On("message", (data) => {
        Debug.Log("message: " + data);


And for node:

io.sockets.on('connection', function(socket) {
  console.log('client connected');
  socket.emit('message', 'Hello World!');

As well do not allow client to decide own ID, as it is "hackable" in most cases. Only server should make important decisions and not client.

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