I was reading up on the two different ways of implementing a stack: linked list and dynamic arrays. The main advantage of a linked list over a dynamic array was that the linked list did not have to be resized while a dynamic array had to be resized if too many elements were inserted hence wasting alot of time and memory.
That got me wondering if this is true for C++ (as there is a vector class which automatically resizes whenever new elements are inserted)?
From the C++ documentation:
http://channel9.msdn.com/Events/GoingNative/GoingNative-2012/Keynote-Bjarne-Stroustrup-Cpp11-Style Skip to 44:40. You should prefer
whenever possible over astd::list
, as explained in the video, by Bjarne himself. Sincestd::vector
stores all of it's elements next to each other, in memory, and because of that it will have the advantage of being cached in memory. And this is true for adding and removing elements fromstd::vector
and also searching. He states thatstd::list
is 50-100x slower than astd::vector
.If you really want a stack, you should really use
instead of making your own.std::vector
is implemented using a dynamic array, whereasstd::list
is implemented as a linked list. There are trade-offs for using both data structures. Pick the one that best suits your needs.As you indicated, a dynamic array can take a larger amount of time adding an item if it gets full, as it has to expand itself. However, it is faster to access since all of its members are grouped together in memory. This tight grouping also usually makes it more cache-friendly.
Linked lists don't need to resize ever, but traversing them takes longer as the CPU must jump around in memory.
Yes, it's true for
or any other language. Dynamic array is a concept. The fact that C++ hasvector
doesn't change the theory. The vector inC++
actually does the resizing internally so this task isn't the developers' responsibility. The actual cost doesn't magically disappear when usingvector
, it's simply offloaded to the standard library implementation.Yes, it still holds, because a
resize is a potentially expensive operation. Internally, if the pre-allocated size for the vector is reached and you attempt to add new elements, a new allocation takes place and the old data is moved to the new memory location.First, the performance trade-offs between linked-lists and dynamic arrays are a lot more subtle than that.
The vector class in C++ is, by requirement, implemented as a "dynamic array", meaning that it must have an amortized-constant cost for inserting elements into it. How this is done is usually by increasing the "capacity" of the array in a geometric manner, that is, you double the capacity whenever you run out (or come close to running out). In the end, this means that a reallocation operation (allocating a new chunk of memory and copying the current content into it) is only going to happen on a few occasions. In practice, this means that the overhead for the reallocations only shows up on performance graphs as little spikes at logarithmic intervals. This is what it means to have "amortized-constant" cost, because once you neglect those little spikes, the cost of the insert operations is essentially constant (and trivial, in this case).
In a linked-list implementation, you don't have the overhead of reallocations, however, you do have the overhead of allocating each new element on freestore (dynamic memory). So, the overhead is a bit more regular (not spiked, which can be needed sometimes), but could be more significant than using a dynamic array, especially if the elements are rather inexpensive to copy (small in size, and simple object). In my opinion, linked-lists are only recommended for objects that are really expensive to copy (or move). But at the end of the day, this is something you need to test in any given situation.
Finally, it is important to point out that locality of reference is often the determining factor for any application that makes extensive use and traversal of the elements. When using a dynamic array, the elements are packed together in memory one after the other and doing an in-order traversal is very efficient as the CPU can preemptively cache the memory ahead of the reading / writing operations. In a vanilla linked-list implementation, the jumps from one element to the next generally involves a rather erratic jumps between wildly different memory locations, which effectively disables this "pre-fetching" behavior. So, unless the individual elements of the list are very big and operations on them are typically very long to execute, this lack of pre-fetching when using a linked-list will be the dominant performance problem.
As you can guess, I rarely use a linked-list (
), as the number of advantageous applications are few and far between. Very often, for large and expensive-to-copy objects, it is often preferable to simply use a vector of pointers (you get basically the same performance advantages (and disadvantages) as a linked list, but with less memory usage (for linking pointers) and you get random-access capabilities if you need it).The main case that I can think of, where a linked-list wins over a dynamic array (or a segmented dynamic array like
) is when you need to frequently insert elements in the middle (not at either ends). However, such situations usually arise when you are keeping a sorted (or ordered, in some way) set of elements, in which case, you would use a tree structure to store the elements (e.g., a binary search tree (BST)), not a linked-list. And often, such trees store their nodes (elements) using a semi-contiguous memory layout (e.g., a breadth-first layout) within a dynamic array or segmented dynamic array (e.g., a cache-oblivious dynamic array).