This is something that some days ago was working fine, so I am not sure what has changed since then (other than updating to ASP.NET Core RC2 and installing some extension for VS2015 as I recall)
The issue is that when running from VS2015 a Gulp task to compile my typescript files, if there is an error it shows for example:
[10:02:54] Compiling typescript into javascript
[10:02:56] TypeScript: 1 semantic error
[10:02:56] TypeScript: emit succeeded (with errors)
[10:02:56] Finished 'compile' after 2.47 s
Process terminated with code 0.
without any description of the error.
in CMD:
$ tsc -v
Version 1.8.10
In VS2015 Package Manager console:
PM> tsc -v
Version 1.8.10
so I think VS2015 is at least using the same typescript compiler in PATH and that shouldn't be a problem. Also this is the latest version but I have tried with 1.7 and the same thing happens.
My gulp task:
gulp.task('compile', function () {
log('Compiling typescript into javascript');
return gulp
noImplicitAny: true,
target: 'ES5'
And I am using:
"gulp-typescript": "2.10.0"
although I have tried with the latest:
"gulp-typescript": "2.13.4"
with no luck.
As I understood I don't need a tsconfig.json at the root of my project since I am using gulp-typescript
and I am passing already the compilerOptions in the gulp task itself, so I have deleted the tsconfig.json I had because it does not seem to be used.
If I remove all the compilerOptions from my gulp task:
gulp.task('compile', function () {
log('Compiling typescript into javascript');
return gulp
I get more semantic errors also without description.
[10:12:57] Compiling typescript into javascript
[10:13:00] TypeScript: 184 semantic errors
[10:13:00] TypeScript: emit succeeded (with errors)
[10:13:01] Finished 'compile' after 3.83 s
Process terminated with code 0.
so the options are definitely being used.
And if in my CMD I go to the folder where I have a typescript and try to compile it with:
C:/>Sample/app> tsc mytestfile.ts
I can properly see all the typescript compilation errors.
Any idea what might be wrong in my VS2015 or my gulp-typescript?
UPDATE: I have tried with gulp-tsc instead gulp-typescript and it works well. So the problem must be with gulp-typescript
gulp.task('compile', function () {
log('Compiling typescript into javascript');
return gulp
noImplicitAny: true,
target: 'ES5'
If you have Microsoft .Net Core 1.0.0 RC2 Tooling Preview 1 installed. Looks like there is an issue: After installing Preview 1 of the tooling, TypeScript errors aren't shown #526
Updated After release of .Net Core 1 / Tooling Preview 2
Updating to / Installing the release version of .Net Core 1.0 which updates the Tooling to Preview 2 resolves this issue.
Prior to this uninstalling the tooling preview 1 and re-installing web development tools for vs 2015 would resolve the issue where error details are not shown.
I had the same issue. Since I was not using the functionality of .Net Core 1 RC2 Preview. I was able to resolve the issue with typescript errors not being shown with the workaround mentioned in the bug report on Github by:After doing so I could once again see typescript error messages in Task Runner Explorer.
I've found part of the answer at least. if you run gulp-typescript from a nodejs command prompt it will show you the errors. The way gulp-typescript is printing the error messages however isn't shown in visual studio task runner.
If i change the reporter used for typescript to this it shows the errors just fine (add this function to your gulpfile.js)
And now you can use the reporter like this