When I'm trying to start a new react-native project from scratch I'm getting this message.
throw new Error("Couldn't find preset " + JSON.stringify(val) + " relative to directory " + JSON.stringify(dirname));
Error: Couldn't find preset "es2015" relative to directory "/Users/jorgevenegas/Dev/Projects"
I have installed react-native-cli, of course. Using node v4.2.1, react-native 0.1.5, watchman and flow installed too.
Seems to be something related to babel. I can't figure out the reason, though.
I'm attaching a screenshot with a more detailed output.
Thanks in the advance!
I went through something similar, maybe this can help. In my case it was because for some reason I had two instances of react-native installed on my system.
Check the output of
If you get more than one path with react native installed, get rid of the one that gives you the same error when executing init directly with the full path (my case was one installed at /usr/local/bin/react-native, but yours could be slightly different).
After removing the wrong one, you should be able to init projects without any problems.
Add the following line to your .babelrc file:
I find solution from babel.io
Try installing the following packages
This bugged me for a good 1 day. The issue was I had a .babelrc file up in my file hierarchy which was interfering with babel parsing. Got rid of that and it was fine. react-native uses es2015 by default so .babelrc is not required.
I had the same problem. The solution for me was to switch from 'workspace/MyProject' (for you its "/Users/jorgevenegas/Dev/Projects" i guess) to 'workspace'.
I don't know why I had to do this, but when i ran
in my workspace instead, i could cd into 'MyProject' again and execute a react-native run-android from there.
Hope that helps at least some people encountering the same problem.