I feel like this is a silly question. I've found a python library I need to use. Specifically csvkit . I need to use this in an existing application I've created. However, all of the example usage I've been able to see is from the command line where arguments are passed like this:
in2csv ne_1033_data.xlsx > data.csv
Would I be able to import this and use it within my application? Something along the lines of:
from csvkit import in2csv
in2csv(ne_1033_data.xlsx, data.csv)
Thanks for helping me out. I'm sure I'm misunderstanding something...
You should import convert and then use convert.xls2csv :
This (I think) will do what you want:
From command line, you would call it like this:
I'm not familiar with the csvkit module and am not in a position to download it, so I cannot test this for myself.
Quoting from the csvkit manual:
Is what you are looking for.
After importing, I'm assuming that the command syntax and data flow are similar to that of the python
module. Again this is based on the csvkit manual.If you want to use
like a python lib, just usepip install csvkit
install it ,and import it in your script. you can look at the document to got APIs.