I'm learning PhantomJS and wondered if it's possible to use jQuery DOM selectors in the JS files PhantomJS runs? I've seen a short example on github that appears to indicate this:
Sample of PhantomJS with Qunit (and jQuery?)
If you look at the run-qunit.js file at the top it seems state you can use jQuery DOM selectors as parameters. But I'm getting errors when I do that-- not sure whether it's my syntax or because Phantom doesn't know about jQuery, so I thought I'd ask first about the PhantomJS/jQuery relationship.
There is people telling that documentation samples loading JQuery are buggy and load JQuery on PhamtomJS is impossible here: loading jquery on phanthomjs
Use page.injectJs('jquery-1.6.1.min.js'); it will work fine.
here is a beautiful link for using jquery in phantomjs http://snippets.aktagon.com/snippets/534-how-to-scrape-web-pages-with-phantomjs-and-jquery
..well, as soon as I posted, I (naturally) found this. Looks like it is possible in fact to include jQuery: