Vim: snipMate plug-in does not trigger snippet com

2019-03-27 13:18发布

Vim is installed at /usr/share/vim.

All snipMate's folders were added to this category in existing folders (after, autoload, plugin, snippets, etc.) accordingly.

From the documentation file:

For instance, to change the trigger
key to CTRL-J, just change this:

ino <tab> <c-r>=TriggerSnippet()<cr> 
snor <tab> <esc>i<right><c-r>=TriggerSnippet()<cr>

to this: 
ino <c-j> <c-r>=TriggerSnippet()<cr>  
snor <c-j> <esc>i<right><c-r>=TriggerSnippet()<cr>

I tried this as well - the same result. When I try to trigger snippet match it only adds a tab (4 spaces, accordingly to my .vimrc).

P.S. filetype plugin indent on.


cat /etc/issue
Ubuntu 9.10


i  <C-B>       * <C-R>=TriggerSnippet()<CR>


s  <C-B>       * <Esc>i<Right><C-R>=TriggerSnippet()<CR>

How can I fix this?

标签: vim snipmate
2楼-- · 2019-03-27 13:36

In my case, I experienced the same thing. SnipMate autocomplete does not work. One of the reasons is the is used by other plugin. Typing :verbose imap <Tab> will show you which plugin that utilizes the key and cause the conflict. You can either comment out the plugin in .vimrc or you can change it to use another key.

3楼-- · 2019-03-27 13:40

I had a problem with snipMate, it wasn't working, so I came across with Issue 66 in their Issue Tracker:

source ~/.vim/after/plugin/snipMate.vim
4楼-- · 2019-03-27 14:00

I solved this problem by removing the 'set paste' entry on .vimrc

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