I've got following issue and I can't find resolution. I created endpoint with Spring Boot and when I'm using Postman I'm getting response with image on body request.
But when I'm trying download and save file on computer using Angular and Blob and FileSaver my saved file is unable to read.
This is my angular controller:
vm.download = function (filename) {
console.log("Start download. File name:", filename);
$http.get('api/files/download/' + filename)
.then(function (response) {
var data = new Blob([response.data], {type: 'image/jpeg;charset=UTF-8'});
FileSaver.saveAs(data, filename);
and here's my endpoint:
@RequestMapping(value = "/files/download/{id:.*}", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public void DownloadFiles(@PathVariable String id, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException {
MongoClient mongoClient = new MongoClient();
DB mongoDB = mongoClient.getDB("angularspingproject");
BasicDBObject query = new BasicDBObject();
query.put("filename", id);
GridFS fileStore = new GridFS(mongoDB, "fs");
GridFSDBFile gridFSDBFile = fileStore.findOne(query);
if (gridFSDBFile != null && id.equalsIgnoreCase((String) gridFSDBFile.getFilename())) {
try {
response.setContentLength((new Long(gridFSDBFile.getLength()).intValue()));
response.setHeader("content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=" + gridFSDBFile.getFilename());
IOUtils.copyLarge(gridFSDBFile.getInputStream(), response.getOutputStream());
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("IOError writting file to output stream");
My header:
Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate
Content-Length: 316707
Content-Type: image/jpeg;charset=UTF-8
Pragma: no-cache
X-Application-Context : angularspingproject:8080
X-Content-Type-Options : nosniff
X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block
content-Disposition: attachment; filename=main_page.jpg
@Edit Problem resolved
vm.download = function (filename) {
$http.get('api/files/download/' + filename, {responseType:'blob'})
.then(function (response) {
var data = new Blob([response.data], {type: 'image/jpeg;charset=UTF-8'});
FileSaver.saveAs(data, filename);
I added responseType: 'blob' to $http
I'd guess that you're not getting a byte array back from your $http.get call. Try adding:
I have a special download service in angular that works very well and simple:
Filesaver.js is from here. ContentDispositionParser you can use anything or write yourself, it's only used for getting the proper filename, since it is apparently not an easy task, but not directly connected to saving the file itself (you might add the name in js e.g.)