node js,sails js,waterline. I need to update(or push) values into the below schema after insert
I am using sailsjs with waterline and mongodb.
"countries": {
"states": [
"statename": "state",
"districts": [
"distname": "district",
"cities": [
"cityname": "Hyderabad",
"places": [
"placename": "hitechcity"
I need to know how to update it i need something like this after update
"countries": {
"states": [
"statename": "state",
"districts": [
"distname": "district",
"cities": [
"cityname": "Hyderabad",
"places": [
"placename": "hitechcity"
"placename": "someother place"
please someone help me.
Great question! You'll want to use
:Done on my phone so sorry about any typos :)
I found that with Sails I could not use mikermcneil answer. I had to go native:
FYI I'm querying my data by a sessionData.id_ key