I'm working on a webpage (I'm a newb of course) and the background image won't show up in the div. I tried both background-image and background and they both will not work... heres the code
if anyone can help that would be great!!
<!DOCTYPE html>
<style type="text/css">
body {background-color:gray;}
<div style="background-image: url('/ximages/websiteheader1.png');height:200px;width:1200px;">
I had the same problem I corrected the relative path to start from the same folder as the page and it worked: url(./images/1.jpg) instead of url(/images/1.jpg) I read somewhere that it's better to do so always. let me know if it works.
A fast and small lesson about paths
Absolute paths
IF the image is not on your domain - go look there for image
image loaded using http or https protocols
Relative paths
(For internal use if the image is on the same server)
Similar to Absolute Paths, just omitting the protocol and domain name
Go search my image starting from root folder
, than intofolder
image in the same folder as the document calling the image!
this time folder is in the same place as the document, so go into that sub-folder for the image
From where the document is, go one folder back
and go intofolder
go two folders back
and than go intofolder
go two folders back , there's my image!
For me it was because i was using an angular element directive to set the background but i forgot to set "display" to "block". Ugh! I spent forever troubleshooting this! Had it been an attribute directive i likely would not have encountered this.
I recommend moving your css from the inline scope. Assuming that your .png file actually exists, try setting the background size and repeat tags.
If that doesn't work, try checking in your browser's developer tools for the response codes and making sure that the url is correct.
Hope this helps!