I am trying to implement Admob in Android and I am seeing requests coming into AdMob. However, I am not seeing the Admob ads being displayed on the Android screen in the emulator and my Android test phones as well.
As stated before, I can see the requests coming into my AdMob account. However, the content is not being shown. Is there something that needs to be enabled in my account, the main.xml, AndroidManifest.xml, or in the loading of the application?
My application configuration and code are below. Please advise on what is needed. Thanks!
android:value="My Publisher ID"
android:name="ADMOB_PUBLISHER_ID" />
<activity android:name="com.admob.android.ads.AdMobActivity"/>
<action android:name="com.android.vending.INSTALL_REFERRER"/>
ads:adUnitId="My Publisher ID"
On Create Code:
AdView adView = (AdView)this.findViewById(R.id.adView);
AdRequest re = new AdRequest();
Any help is appreciated!!
make sure, your admob publisher ID is correct. It had happend with me once and I could not figure out the error for about 15 days.
In Admob every app that you submit gets a different publisher ID. It is unique per Application and not per User.
Some of these possible solutions may sound obvious, but make sure you have these completed:
-replace "My Publisher ID" in android:value="My Publisher ID" with your actual publisher ID.
-make sure to include the internet permission in your manifest file:
If you have completed those, you can also try placing the following code in the "On create" section instead of your current:
Before publishing, don't forget be sure to get rid of the setTestDevice though!
Go to app settings on admob.com and make sure use location data for ads is turned off if your app is not a location based app.
Use location data for ads is used to filter ads based on location and works only on app with location permission granted. If app does not use location permission, ads will not show.
It usually takes some time for ads to start appearing via admob. This happens in the case when you have just registered on admob and started up with your first application. If the suggestions given above are taken care of and if your admob page shows a "green" status, I wont worry about it too much. Once your fill rate increases, you will start to see more and more ads.
It might be an issue with the space, you need to ensure that the space is available for the ad to be displayed. If you have a padding on the parent layout it might reduce the space available. According to the google Admob docs no ad will be displayed if the space isn't there for it to be displayed.
"The SDK will request whatever size the requesting AdView was instantiated with. If there isn't enough space on the device's screen to display the ad, nothing will be shown."
So my suggestion is to ensure no padding is on the parent layout and actually assign a height and width to the banner ad like this
And store the appropriate dimensions in your dimens.xml in the values folder.
This is because admin inventory requires some requests to be generated to check that the app can make some profit!
Please let setup the ads properly and publish the app, after about 1k requests are made, the ads will automatically show up!
I too was suffering from this problem and got my answer when I published my own app!