I am trying to write a Sinatra application that groups components together (sort of like controllers). So for the "blog" related things, I want an app called Blog
mounted at /blog
. All of the routes contained in the Blog
app would be relative to its mounted path, so I could simply define an index
route without having to specify the mount path in the route.
I originally handled this by using a config.ru file and map
ing the routes to the different apps. The problem with this that I ran into, was that I was using various sinatra gems/extensions/helpers that needed to be included in all of the apps, so there was a lot of duplicate code.
How can I mount one sinatra app inside of another so that the routes defined in the app are relative to where the app is mounted? If this is not possible out-of-the-box, can you show a code sample of how this could be done?
Here's a simplified example of what it might look like:
class App
mount Blog, at: '/blog'
mount Foo, at: '/bar'
class Blog
get '/' do
# index action
class Foo
get '/' do
# index action
Take a look at https://stackoverflow.com/a/15699791/335847 which has some ideas about namespacing.
Personally, I would use the config.ru with mapped routes. If you're really in that space between "should this be a separate app or is it just helpful to organize it like this" it allows that, and then later you can still farm off one of the apps on its own without changing the code (or only a little). If you're finding that there's a lot of duplicated set up code, I'd do something like this:
Here's a quote from Sinatra Up and Running:
It has some good examples of using this technique (and others). Since I'm in shameless plug mode I recommend it, even though I've nothing to do with it! :)