I want to align vertically the text inside my UITextView (so it will be in the middle of it). How can i achieve that? I looked up and could not find any answer that could help me.
Thanks in advance.
I want to align vertically the text inside my UITextView (so it will be in the middle of it). How can i achieve that? I looked up and could not find any answer that could help me.
Thanks in advance.
If you want to do this using the storyboard, you could add a view and inside of your textView. Then, set the constraints that you used for the textView to the new view. Finally, add the following constraints to your text view:
using the alignment constraints, add a vertically constraint.
Link your textview to your viewcontroller and name it as you want (let's say textView).
function put this line:Then under the last curly bracket of your class put this extension:
To use this function for
just changeCGFloat.greatestFiniteMagnitude