I've used a routine for years to put a plain text string into the clipboard that I can paste into another program such as:
targetData.SetText "This is a plain text string"
When I use this in Excel Office 2013 the data isn't in the clipboard and therefore I can't paste it. This never happened in prior versions.
Under closer inspection I've found that the string does go to the clipboard but as "System String" but not as "Text" or "Unicode Text".
BUT... about 10% of the time it acutally works as it should putting the string into the clipboard as "Text".
Any ideas??
user2140261's comment is the correct solution:
How to: Send Information to the Clipboard
(The following is just copied from the above link)
If you need to copy the contents of the active control on a form or report to the Clipboard, you only need this code:
However, this the replacement you need for your old routine:
1. Create a module, name it "WinAPI" or something, put this code in it:
2. In the module where your old routine is defined, replace your old routine with this code:
3. Then, call it like this:
You should add "Microsoft forms 2.0 object library" to your references then you can use this feature. you can do this by going to Excel/developer/Visual basic(or your VBE module) and in the tools/references select browse and then in your system32 folder search for "FM20.DLL" file and then by selecting this file at the end of the references list "Microsoft forms 2.0 object library" will be appeared. Activate that . Now things are as good as old times ;)