Has anyone had a problem with this. He throws me the error: Name can not be null or empty. But in the table do not have the attribute called "Name". I want to customize Asp.Net Identity.
public class HomeController : Controller
// GET: /Home/
public async Task<ActionResult> Index()
var userStore = new UserStore<User,Identity_2Context.MyRole,long,Identity_2Context.MyUserLogin,Identity_2Context.MyUserRole,Identity_2Context.MyClaim>(new Identity_2Context());
var manager = new UserManager<User,long>(userStore);
var user = new User()
UserName = "TehnoMac",Email = "TehnoMac@tehcno.com",IsApproved = true,IsLockedOut = false,
CreatedDate = DateTime.Now,LastActivityDate = DateTime.Now,LastLoginDate = DateTime.Now,FailedPasswordAnswerAttemptCount = 0,
FailedPasswordAttemptCount = 0
var result = await manager.CreateAsync(user, "test123test");
if (result.Succeeded)
var authenticationManager = HttpContext.GetOwinContext().Authentication;
var userIdentity = manager.Create(user, DefaultAuthenticationTypes.ApplicationCookie);
ViewBag.Text = result.Errors.FirstOrDefault();
return View();
IdentityModel public class ApplicationUser : IdentityUser { }
public class MyClaim:IdentityUserClaim<long>
public class MyRole:IdentityRole<long,MyUserRole>
public class MyUserRole:IdentityUserRole<long>
public class MyUserLogin:IdentityUserLogin<long>
public class ApplicationDbContext : IdentityDbContext<ApplicationUser,MyRole,long,MyUserLogin,MyUserRole,MyClaim>
public ApplicationDbContext()
: base("DefaultConnection")
Solved (for me at least) By REMOVING the UserName property from the customized identity (its in the GitHub ASPNetIdentitySample project which is where I guess people are getting it from). Its hiding the UserName property in IdentityUser
Make sure you have specified a username. I got the same error and after setting the
property, the error went away.