I am trying to start up network using following command
./network_setup.sh up channel
After running this command I am receiving this errro
ERROR: manifest for hyperledger/fabric-orderer:latest not found
How I can remove this error?please help me
You cannot just run ./network_setup.sh. Before you run ./netork_setup.sh, to generate or to docker pull images is necessary.
To generate images by yourself, please refer to: https://github.com/hyperledger/fabric/blob/master/examples/e2e_cli/end-to-end.rst
To docker pull existing images, please refer to: https://github.com/hyperledger/fabric/tree/master/examples/dchackfest/samples/e2e
This error information reveals that currently there is NO existing 'latest' tag in most 'fabric-*' images on the public docker Hub. We have to specify which image version we want to pull, either in docker command or docker-compose file
You can find all available tags of 'fabric-orderer' here
For example:
Please try to find the docker-compose file used in network_setup.sh.
If you are using 1.0beta, it should be docker-compose-cli.yaml
In docker-compose-cli.yaml if you see:
then in base/docker-compose-base.yaml if you see this:
change it to be
This fix is recommended also applied to fabric-peer, fabric-ca setting in base/docker-compose-base.yaml for alignment.
EDIT The problem no longer exists. Now the default latest tag will be provided by fabric team.
I was having the same problem and what I did was to go to the console and list all the docker images I had in my computer with:
And I got a list like this:
So, given that the version I know I downloaded was 1.1.0, I went to the docker-compose.yml file and looked for all the lines that started with image: and added at the end the same tag that the images had. For example:
was updated to
This worked for me: replace the below line in yaml file:
with line:
You can choose some other version as well based on availability in docker hub ( https://hub.docker.com/r/hyperledger/fabric-orderer/tags/ )
In the documentation there's an easily missed script: http://hyperledger-fabric.readthedocs.io/en/v1.1.0-alpha/samples.html
curl -sSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hyperledger/fabric/master/scripts/bootstrap.sh | bash -s 1.1.0-alpha
The script downloads the Hyperledger Fabric docker images from Docker Hub into your local Docker environment and tag them as ‘latest’. It's very fast and does the job better than renaming all the files.
Also if you actually pull the Fabric repository from Github and do a
make docker
it will create the:latest
images.Downloading platform-specific binaries worked for me