I want to pass some headers while opening a web page. Right now, I'm doing something like :
browserIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW,Uri.parse(data.link));
Now I'm stuck as I dont know how to pass headers using browserIntent. I've tried using browserIntent.putExtra() but it doesn't work.
Can anyone please help.!!
As Satoshi guessed, this doesn't work with Chrome. If you need to pass headers, you'll need to create your own WebView and load the url with a map of headers. Assume that mWebView is a reference to your webview.
This was my biggest question in the last 2days, too! And I found it!!!
I have a Map object that I stored header information. Then the following:
One problem is...I guess this would only work with the default browser and other browsers wouldn't have Browser.EXTRA_HEADERS I suppose. Resource: http://gitorious.org/rowboat/packages-apps-browser/blobs/a563d09392905140893d7a017dd63721577e1953/src/com/android/browser/BrowserActivity.java