I would like to learn basics of audio streaming. In particular, I would like to learn how to capture audio from a computer mic, and in real time stream it so that another user can listen to it live. I would like to do it on Windows.
Is there any good tutorial that explains how it is done and some sample C++ code that I can take a look for more details?
Also I heard ASIO provides a low latency library, so I am interested in that.
For recording and playing audio on Windows I would recommend the waveform audio API. You have an example here for recording data from the mic.
For the streaming part, if you want to use an already available multimedia streaming server, i would recommend icecast, with its API lib.
If you want to implement the network streaming by yourself, then you can use the asio lib. You have some examples here.
For audio playback on the client side, there is a tutorial using waveform API here.
Maybe here would be a good place to start, if you're using Windows?
Have a read of that page and look at the WASAPI as well.
You can capture raw audio directly from the device using the
I have been involved in projects involving real time streaming of audio and have used aac as the audio format and Live555 for a streaming library. These might be a good place to start.