I am working in PHP on a Linux server with MySQL.
I have a requirement (that I have attempted to talk them out of) to collect credit card information from users so that our company can use the card numbers to hold hotel rooms for a conference. We will not be charging the cards ourselves at all, but instead just sending them to the hotel. I then need to be able to download a CSV file and each time someone signs up an email to go to the admin with all the information.
I tried to explain that this wasn't secure, but several other developers have done this for them in the past before I was working here.
My question is; is there anyway to make this secure? If not are there any third party options to make this happen?
I appreciate everyone who has posted so far, it has simply made me want to attempt to do this less and less. If you could add to your answers simple explanations, oriented at non-tech people, it would be greatly appreciated, in fact site source and links would help me a great deal. I haven't found any sites that would explain this in a non-tech way.
It's really a bad idea to be storing card details. You're opening yourself up for a world of pain in the form of PCI-DSS audits. It is not as simple as 'use encryption', you need to have processes in place to securely manage the encryption keys, schedule key rotation, securely log access and so on and on... Storing card details is absolutely something you want to avoid.
If you have to have something in place, then the best option may be for you (as a company) to take payments from the credit cards to your own merchant account, then pay the hotels separately (from your bank account/whatever). You act as a proxy for the client making the payment to the hotel.
Most payment gateways allow you to store the card details securely, and charge at a later date (using a token id returned by the gateway), which will likely be useful here. But you wont be able to retrieve the card details to pass them through to the hotel in any way, which is why you would need to take payment, then organise a separate payment to the hotel.
Its still quite an undertaking though because a lot of areas of PCI-DSS will come into play even with this simplified solution.
You asked, so here is more information:
PCI-DSS is the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard. It's a set of guidelines which basically apply to any company that 'touches' cardholder data, in particular the card number. Touching it literally means any handling of the data, even just having it pass through your network without it ever being persisted to disk is enough to mandate that you must comply, (though it is significantly easier if you don't persist the details to disk)
You didn't yet state which part of the world you're in, or how these card details are captured (internet/telephone/in person). These details are significant to how you can achieve compliance.
Start by taking a look at the PCI-DSS SAQ (Self Assessment Questionnaires). These SAQ's are the minimum requirements for companies that do not store cardholder details to disk, and should give a good impression of the security that needs to be in place across the network and policies that should be applied across the company.
As I said, if you're thinking of storing card details then things get more complicated, because as a general rule the SAQ is no longer good enough. You need to enrol the assistance of a QSA (Qualified Security Assessor) who will visit and advise on best practice for data storage and the various other points that come into play. For this level of compliance you're looking at yearly audits (carried out by the QSA), and quarterly network scans. Take a look at the audit procedures to get a detailed look at what is involved. In particular take a look at section 3 and do not underestimate the difficulty of implementing proper key management.
In summary, full PCI compliance will be very costly. Even for a company which already has pretty strong security policies the cost of bringing in a QSA and running quarterly scans and yearly audits alone will likely cost $thousands.
Make sure your server is as secure as possible and prove that it isn't already compromised. None of this will really work well if you have a compromised server.
Use SSL to protect this information during transit.
Encrypt these details immediately upon receipt. This will help protect it at rest. If possible, encrypt it with a public key for a key pair where the private key (used for decryption) is not on your server. This could easily be that you place this information into the body of the email that you're required to send, then encrypt the body with public-key encryption where your client has the private key. (You could use PGP here). In this way, the data is help on your server as briefly as possible, then once off your server, is accessible only by your client. If you use a symmetric encryption algorithm, then your key will necessarily also be on your server somewhere (on disk, in memory, etc.), which could be obtained and used by an attacker to regain access to the details.
This isn't an endorsement, per se, but I have used this before in similar situations with good results: http://www.pgp.com/products/commandline/
Remember that there are always security holes, but you'll be raising a large barrier against attacks with these steps. I might also add that you look into a system integrity solution like Trip Wire from the immediate build of your server. And of course, ensure that all of your passwords are strong.