I have a Rails 3 scope that excludes an array of ids.
What is the best way to write the scope so that it does nothing when the array is empty and is still chainable? I currently have this, which works, but seems a little hokey:
scope :excluding_ids,
lambda {|ids| ids.empty? ? relation : where('id not in (?)', ids) }
If I do not have the "ids.empty? ? relation :" bit, when ids is empty the SQL generated is
... ID not in (NULL) ...
which will always return nothing. So something like:
Model.excluding_ids([]).where('id > 0')
returns no results.
Here's a slight variation on Douglas' answer, using ruby 1.9 stabby lambda syntax and without the brackets in the where method.
How about the following? (It still checks for an empty array though, so if that's what you're trying to avoid it's not much of an improvement :)
In Rails 4 you can use:
If the
array is empty then don't return anything.The query will run without any additional constraints on the query if there are no