Can we display a message using highcharts, when the data set does not return any data? For example : "No Data Available"
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This has been added per the uservoice entry.
I used a little workaround to solve this problem. Basically I'm overlaying a div containing the message "No Data to Display".
When the page loads I'm using JQuery to find the position of the chart then offsetting the "No Data" div and revealing it accordingly.
You'll need to vary the offsets accordingly depending on the size of your chart. I am using an AJAX call to pull in the series and category data so I know just before I bind the chart whether or not to reveal the floating "No Data" div.
A very simple example:
Hope this helps someone
It is now supported in Highcharts since v3.0.8
You need to load the no-data module and then, you can specify a custom message through the lang.noData option: