All of a sudden my project fails to build in Xcode. If I look at the log I see all the needed dependencies being built, and then I get a strange error:
Verify final result code for the complete build operation
Build operation failed without specifying any errors.
Individual build tasks may have failed for unknown reasons.
I removed my code directory and replaced it with a backup, did a clean, tried building all the other components separately (they succeed) - nothing works. I tried a command line build, same issue.
There were only a few hits on google for this error, none offered any useful advice.
Can anyone please help?
Update: When I run the command line build, I see the following error:
2012-05-25 08:55:53.830 xcodebuild[3358:4203] No recorder, buildTask: <Xcode3BuildTask: 0x400f35e60:'ProcessPCH MyProject-Prefix.pch':REfc(32370056113422336):deps=0:phaseNum=4>
I checked the output of xcodebuild and it is returning '65'.
I thought there might be a problem with the MyProject-Previx.pch file, so I shut off "Precompile Prefix Header", and now I get the same error with a different file:
2012-05-25 09:15:11.784 xcodebuild[3882:3703] No recorder, buildTask: <Xcode3BuildTask: 0x40048ab60:'CompileC HelperRoutines.m':REfc(33777199068741632):deps=0:phaseNum=4>
The only workaround, that works for me - push your code to git repo and clone it to new location. I highly recommend to reclone your repo, because you'll deal with some random problems if you prefer rebooting/turning off and onXcode.
With Xcode 5.0.0, this error was caused after an update to the CLI tools.
Updating to Xcode 5.0.1 and installing all the required components again still didn't fix the error. However, 5.0.1 was kind enough to actually emit an error that was useful.
/bin/mkdir -p /Users/xxx/Documents/XCode/SampleApp/bin/
error: (null)
This lead me to look at the bin folder, and find out that the 5.0.0 build with broken CLI tools had made a symlink in bin/ to the derived information folder with, which for some reason it could not write to.
I manually removed all contents of the bin/ folder and rebuilt without errors.
I have encountered same issue without having any code changes for my project running on Xcode 9.2. It looks like if you have some run scripts or external build systems attached to the project, this might cause an issue. Try committing or discarding changes and build again. If it still persist, delete local repo and clone again. Also maintain smaller folder names for project location.
I added into the Framework search paths the header file location.... removing this from the top level project settings fixed the issue for me.
Change at your peril.
I also encountered same error. I was edited .pch (Prefix Header) file. Then I started getting this strange error. Then I removed all editions which I made in .PCH. Then I quieted my XCode. When I restarted XCode this strange error was gone.
Hope this will work for you also. Best luck Buddy (y)
I faced same problem. I have change my System time.I delete file "/Users/YOURNAME/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/ModuleCache/YOURBUNDLEID/UIKit.pcm". Then it's work fine for me. Try this.