I have a chart that I would like to display based on a date range from the user. This particular chart has a data point for every 15 minutes. So there can be a lot of data points for each series if a users selects a large date range. Here is a couple of examples:
In the first example the chart does display. In the second example the chart does not display. There is a Highstock demo (52,000 points with data grouping) that works with a lot of data points. I have tried to change the above charts to a highstock chart and still have the same results.
What can I do to fix this?
a workaround for turboThreshhold is something like this if you generation your response with PHP:
This is due to the turbo threshold option:
It is set to 1000 points by default. Your chart is not rendering because each point in your series is an object and their number is greater than the threshold.
Here's a jfFiddle demonstrating your plot working with the threshold set to 2000.
Here's the modified section of code:
Another solution would be to encode your series data in a 2-d array instead of having each point represented by and object with x-y properties.