I just download this version Git-2.6.1-64-bit.exe my OS is windows 10 64bit.. why I cannot still log in it? is Git-2.6.1-64-bit.exe the latest one?
before it was MINWG32 now updated become MINWG64 but still I cannot login..help me solve this issues
I don't have any solution for this instead to use the cmd.exe.... but I need the flow of it...coz some of the commands cannot run in this environment...it's a big difference between a Linux-like environment... please post procedure/steps in deploying apps in heroku.
IT SAYS : Login is currently incompatible with git bash/cygwin In the meantime, login via cmd.exe https://github.com/heroku/heroku-cli/issues/84
login through the windows command prompt first, then you will be able to run heroku commands on git Bash.
login from windows cmd. I have been successful to login from cmd.
Simple fix. Install Heroku on Windows machine as per the site instructions. Then, with Git Bash closed, open the Windows "Command Prompt" and type "heroku login". You will be prompted for your Heroku username and password and you're in! Close the command prompt and use bash as per normal.
I always find CMDER works well and works first time with heroku, just a suggestion.
You can find the link here
First, the latest releases are listed at https://github.com/git-for-windows/git/releases
, uncompress it to c:\git2.7.0, and add to your path:Then launch git-cmd or git-bash.