I have this class :
public class Repo
public Repo() : this(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["identity"], ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["password"])
public Repo(string identity,string password)
//Initialize properties.
I added a line to web.config so that this type will be automatically constructed by Unity container.
but during the execution of my application, I receive this error message :
"System.InvalidOperationException : the parameter identity could not be resolved when attempting to call constructor Repo(String identity, String password) -->Microsoft.Practices.ObjectBuilder2.BuildFailedException : The current Build operation ...."
1) Why isn't Unity using the default constructor ?
2) Suppose I want Unity to use the second constructor (the parametized one), How do I pass that information to Unity via the configuration file ?
Just try to register type this way:
Because of no
element specified inconstructor
element it should call default constructor.You can also do this registration in code:
Unity by default picks the constructor with the most parameters. You have to tell Unity to use a different one explicitly.
One way to do this is with the [InjectionConstructor] attribute like this:
A second way of doing this, if your opposed to cluttering up classes/methods with attributes, is to specify which constructor to use when configuring your container using an InjectionConstructor:
From the documentation: