I was playing the the Python's import system in order to understand better how it works, and I encountered another problem. I have the following structure
Inside a.py
I have the following code:
from . import b
from .. import d
And inside c.py
I have the following:
import subpkg.a
Now I receive the following error:
ValueError: attempted relative import beyond top-level package
But why? How can I solve it? I am running c.py
from the IDLE, and pkg
should be considered a package, since it has the __init__.py
The first import works fine, but it's the following that doesn't work:
from .. import d
Because I am attempting to import something from a parent package, but apparently I cannot, for some weird reason.
Python 3 changed the import system so every time you want a module that is around the one you are working, you need relative imports (unless you mess with
).The correct usage here should be
When you are working with IDLE, you have a totally different environment. Therefore, you could add the current location to your path so imports work again.
It might be weird, but it is for a greater good
PS: If this last thing do not work -- I don't have an IDLE environment right now -- it is probably because the work directory is set wrong.
Try this answer instead: https://stackoverflow.com/a/17361545/754991