Im trying to pass data between two fragmens in my program. Its just a simple string that is stored in the List. The List is made public in fragments A, and when the user clicks on a list item, I need it to show up in fragment B. The content provider only seems to support ID's, so that will not work. Any suggestions?
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I think communication between fragments should be done via activity. And communication between fragment and activity can be done this way:
That depends on how the fragment is structured. If you can have some of the methods on the Fragment Class B static and also the target TextView object static, you can call the method directly on Fragment Class A. This is better than a listener as the method is performed instantaneously, and we don't need to have an additional task that performs listening throughout the activity. See example below:
On Fragment B you can have the method defined as:
Just don't forget to have myTextView set as static on Fragment B, and properly import the Fragment B class on Fragment A.
Just did the procedure on my project recently and it worked. Hope that helped.
I'm working on a similar project and I guess my code may help in the above situation
Here is the overview of what i'm doing
My project Has two fragments Called "FragmentA" and "FragmentB"
-FragmentA Contains one list View,when you click an item in FragmentA It's INDEX is passed to FragmentB using Communicator interface
I'm triggering respond() method of interface from FrgamentA using the MainActivity's reference.
Interface communcator is defined inside fragmentA, this is to provide least access previlage to communicator interface.
below is my complete working code
Why don't you use a Bundle. From your first fragment, here's how to set it up:
Then in your second Fragment, retrieve the data using:
Bundle has put methods for lots of data types. Please see
IN my case i had to send the data backwards from FragmentB->FragmentA hence Intents was not an option as the fragment would already be initialised All though all of the above answers sounds good it takes a lot of boiler plate code to implement, so i went with a much simpler approach of using LocalBroadcastManager, it exactly does the above said but without alll the nasty boilerplate code. An example is shared below.
In Sending Fragment(Fragment B)
And in the Message to be Received Fragment(FRAGMENT A)
Hope it helps someone
1- The first way is define an interface
2- In you activity implement OnMessage interface
3- In your fragment implement OnReceive interface
This is the boilerplate version of handling message passing between fragments.
Another way of handing data passage between fragments are by using an event bus.
1- Register/unregister to an event bus
2- Define an event class
3- Post this event in anywhere in your application
4- Subscribe to that event to receive it in your Fragment
For more details, use cases, and an example project about the event bus pattern.