Say I want to create a daily planner, and I want to divide the day into 15 minute chunks.
Easy, right? Just start at midnight, and... Wrong! In America/Sao_Paulo, one day each year starts at 01:00 because of Daylight Saving Time changes.
Given a time zone and a date, how does one find the epoch time at which the day starts?
My first thought was to use the following, but it assumes each day has a 23:59. That's probably no better of an assumption than assuming each day has a midnight.
perl -MDateTime -E'
DateTime->new( year => 2013, month => 10, day => 20 )
->subtract( days => 1 )
->set( hour => 23, minute => 59 )
->add( minutes => 1 )
Is there a more robust or more direct alternative?
You'd think this is something that needs to be done commonly! I suspect there's a lot of buggy code out there...
Here's a solution that's coded with the intention of trying to get it incorporated into DateTime.
A practical example,