I am trying to call MSBuild from a command line. Everything was working fine when I was using a path that had no spaces, but now I have a path that has spaces and the command is failing.
Command (works):
/t:Rebuild "C:\Projects\myProject.csproj"
I then added quotes and changed OutDir to OutPath (doesn't work):
/t:Rebuild "C:\Projects\myProject.csproj"
What I am aiming for is something like this (doesn't work):
/t:Rebuild "C:\Projects\myProject.csproj"
/p:OutPath="c:\temp\deploy\fun and games\Deployment\bin\"
/p:WebProjectOutputDir="c:\temp\deploy\fun and games\Deployment\"
Any help on the syntax around OutDir/OutPath and WebProjectOutputDir with spaces? Is it possible? If it isn't does anyone know what the reason is (due to some Url's not having spaces type thing?)
Msbuild also seems to work with spaces in the OutDir if you switch \ to /, while using quotes: