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I wanted to use view.setBackgroundDrawable(Drawable)
but this method is deprecated. It is replaced with .setBackground(Drawable)
. But my minimum of API 8 can't handle that. It tells me to set the minimum to API 16.
Is there a way to use a different method, based on the API of the device?
Something like
Or do I really have to change the minimum API to do this?
is deprecated but it still works so you could just use it. But if you want to be completely correct you should use something like thisFor this to work you need to set buildTarget api 16 and min build to 7 or something similar.
You can use different methods based on the API versions.
For e.g:
Here set your
to any higher versions(for e.g 16 here) and set yourminsdkversion
to lower versions ( API 7).Something like this: