Basically, I want LibreOffice Calc to do what I tell it, not what it wants.
For example:
- when I input 1.1.12, I want to have 1.1.12 in that cell, not 01.01.2012 or whatever.
- when I input 001, I want to have 001 in that cell, not 1
- and so on and so forth
I want it to never ever touch my data until I explicitly tell it to. Is that possible at all?
I know I can set format of a cell to text. It doesn't help at all. Example:
- Input 1.1.12, it gets displayed as 01.01.12, format as text, it becomes "40909", original input is lost
- Format empty cells as text. Paste "000 001 002 ..." separated by line breaks. Displays "0 1 2 ..."
I know I can write ' in front of anything for it to be forced text. Again it doesn't help, because when I paste in text, I cannot have ' auto-appended to it.
I hope this is possible. I tried googling for different problems and never found a good answer.
When you are importing, you're given a bunch of options. Select "Quoted field as text" so any text inside quotes is treated as
which is interpreted by LibreOffice as sacred and they do not modify it in the way they they modify something that they identify asnumber
If you want your input to be interpreted as text and preventing Calc to do fancy (and annoying) things with your input, you have to change the format before entering any value.
You may need to tweak the 'autocorrect' options as well. Go to 'Tools > Auotcorrect Options...'. Here is a link that may help: