I have the following time series (data.in. that starts on 2012-01-01 and ends 2012-12-31):
ts.rmean ts.rmax
2012-01-01 3.163478 5.86
2012-01-02 3.095909 4.67
2012-01-03 3.112000 6.01
2012-01-04 2.922800 5.44
2012-01-05 2.981154 5.21
2012-01-06 3.089167 5.26
and I am using dygraph for R for plotting:
dygraph(data.in, main = "Title") %>%
dySeries("ts.rmean", drawPoints = TRUE, color = "blue") %>%
dySeries("ts.rmax", stepPlot = TRUE, fillGraph = TRUE, color = "red") %>%
dyHighlight(highlightSeriesOpts = list(strokeWidth = 3))
It is possible to show on the x-axis just the month and not Month Year (e.g. "Jan 12")? And also, in the legend of the plot instead of showing Month Day Year (e.g. Jan 01 2012) to show Month Day?
You can modify all the axis labels and format the values using javascript functions.
For example: