My node server receives about 400 UDP messages in one second, and it all works, and I am able to process all 400 of them.
However, when I start to receive about 700 UDP messages in one second, I lose 2-20 of the messages, and they never get parsed :(
I have thought about some options here:
- Create a queue of all the socket messages, then consume one-by-one,
although I'm not sure how to implement this
- Can't figure out how to implement
- Find a setting in Node / Express / dgram socket where i can increase the memory size / buffer size, something like that
- I couldn't find any settings like this, though :(
- Use a different UDP receiver, stop using node's build in socket UDP receiver
- Didn't find other receivers
Here's what my UDP sender looks like:
var dgram = require("dgram");
var udpserver = dgram.createSocket("udp4");
var seatStateStore = require("./SeatStateStore");
function (msg, rinfo)
Anyone have any ideas? I couldn't figure out any of the 3 options :/ Can someone help me out?
Node v0.10.29
Express v3.14.0
Here's the code I ended up using (slightly modified @RoyHB 's solution):
var dgram = require("dgram");
var udpserver = dgram.createSocket("udp4");
var seatStateStore = require("./SeatStateStore");
var Dequeue = require('dequeue');
var FIFO = new Dequeue();
function (msg, rinfo)
function fetcher () {
while (FIFO.length > 0)
var msg = FIFO.shift();
setImmediate(fetcher); //make this function continuously run
There is a NPM module called node-dequeue. I use it a lot for similar situations to yours.
Alternatively, maybe preferably, you can use node process.nextTick to continuously check the queue for messages.
Ideally, seatStateStore.parseMessage would create a new object to asynchronously process one message so that parseMessage returns without delay while the actual message processing continues in the background. (see bottom of example code )
I haven't tested the code below, it's meant to illustrate, not to run
** OR (maybe better) **
Outline of seatStateProcessor.parseMessage:
I know there is already an answer to this, but as of today, I found a way to increase the buffer on dgram from the official documentation: official doc.