I am trying to use scrapy to scrape a website that has several pages of information.
my code is:
from scrapy.spider import BaseSpider
from scrapy.selector import Selector
from tcgplayer1.items import Tcgplayer1Item
class MySpider(BaseSpider):
name = "tcg"
allowed_domains = ["http://www.tcgplayer.com/"]
start_urls = ["http://store.tcgplayer.com/magic/journey-into-nyx?PageNumber=1"]
def parse(self, response):
hxs = Selector(response)
titles = hxs.xpath("//div[@class='magicCard']")
for title in titles:
item = Tcgplayer1Item()
item["cardname"] = title.xpath(".//li[@class='cardName']/a/text()").extract()[0]
vendor = title.xpath(".//tr[@class='vendor ']")
item["price"] = vendor.xpath("normalize-space(.//td[@class='price']/text())").extract()
item["quantity"] = vendor.xpath("normalize-space(.//td[@class='quantity']/text())").extract()
item["shipping"] = vendor.xpath("normalize-space(.//span[@class='shippingAmount']/text())").extract()
item["condition"] = vendor.xpath("normalize-space(.//td[@class='condition']/a/text())").extract()
item["vendors"] = vendor.xpath("normalize-space(.//td[@class='seller']/a/text())").extract()
yield item
I am trying to scrape all the pages until it reaches the end of the pages ... sometimes there will be more pages than others so its hard to say exactly where the page numbers end.
The idea is to increment
until there is notitles
found. If notitles
on the page - throwCloseSpider
exception to stop the spider:This particular spider would go throw all 8 pages of the data, then stop.
Hope that helps.