Hello all i need to perform Ratings in my application... SO i need to create custom Ratings bar... Can Anyone Help me in this?
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I used RatingBar custom Vector Drawables superimposing and the answer of erdomester here. This solution traverses all drawables insideSvgRatingBar
view of your layout, so inRecyclerView
it has an overhead.SvgRatingBar.java:
In your layout:
You also have to create rating_bar.xml with two SVG drawables:
You can try this rating bar with much better animations
Have a look at custom rating in motorola http://community.developer.motorola.com/t5/Android-App-Development-for/custom-rating-bar-style-using-android-s-ratingBar-small-style/td-p/10462
This must be located in your values folder
This file must be in Drawable folder.
This file must be inside Drawable folder.
This file must be located in Drawable folder.
main.xml file should look like :
MainActivity.class should look like :
I have used two images:
This two images are of same size one is used for identifying selected Rating Bar and other for identifying unselected RatingBar
When creating a custom rating bar that displays a solid gradient line running on a SeekBar-like track, rather than stars, I also encountered a problem related to the vertical centering of the background (track drawable). This is the flawed drawable code I used originally (which generated the problem), as suggested by Android developer and other StackOverflow entries:
The problem here is the first item, which relates to the background of the custom RatingBar. Many entries will tell you to set the layout_minHeight feature to some large value to avoid a vertical spatial disconnect between the thumb and its track. This was not the solution for me - when viewed on a tablet, the background was still drawing to its smaller phone-based size - so the track was consistently positioned well above the center of the RatingBar track. The solution is to remove this entry in the RatingBar drawable, so it now looks like this:
Then, in the style definition of the custom RatingBar, set the layout_background to the the track drawable. Mine looks like this:
(Previously, the background setting here was undefined.).
This is the entry in my layout, which uses both the style and the drawables:
So, to summarize, do not set the background (track) feature in your custom RatingBar drawable, set it in the layout_background feature of your custom RatingBar style. This ensures the track is always vertically centered in a horizontal RatingBar. (Remember, in this custom RatingBar, instead of using stars or other isolated images as the rating, I'm using a gradient line that "grows" or "shrinks" horizontally to display the rating - this rating line uses a SeekBar-like thumb running on a SeekBar-like "track".)
Making the custom rating bar with layer list and selectors is complex, it is better to override the RatingBar class and create a custom RatingBar. createBackgroundDrawableShape() is the function where you should put your empty state png and createProgressDrawableShape() is the function where you should put your filled state png.
Note: This code will not work with svg for now.
The following code works: