Is there any GUI API that can be used together with DirectX other than MFC, WIN32, Winforms and WPF?
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Check out CEGUI. It's pretty popular especially for games. And it supports both Direct3d and OpenGL.
Have a look at XNA. Ultimately WPF or WinForms will be used to get a display surface - can't draw in Windows without a window - but you'll need an additional framework for rendering.
If you're doing your own DirectX rendering, you can use any GUI technology for windows that exposes an HWND.
Just use the "panel" equivelent in whatever toolkit you want, and feed it's handle (HWND) into DirectX to initialize the device. This technique is the same, no matter whether you use MFC, Windows Forms, WPF, Qt, GTK, FLTK, or any other framework.
As long as you can get a handle to the window, you can do it. It's just easier, and potentially more flexible, with some of the Microsoft toolkits. (For example, using D3DImage makes it seamless in WPF...)