I am writing a multi-module application. Some of the modules are just basic Java libraries which are then included in the WAR of a webapp.
I would like to run code coverage in the following scenario:
I am running the webapp through an embedded Jetty that is started via Maven.
I have tests which are executing HTTP requests against the webapp.
I would like to get code covered in the webapp and also by the tests.
Is this possible and how can it be achieved with Cobertura, JaCoCo or Emma? From what I understand, the code coverage will only cover the client-side code in this scenario. Am I correct?
Here's how I achieved it
Assuming you already have a minimal pom.xml config:
Download JaCoCo's agent and copy
to a suitable location (e.g.$HOME/tools/jacocoagent0.7.4.jar
)Attach JaCoCo's agent to Maven's JVM via:
Run your application with embedded jetty server e.g.
mvn jetty:run
Run your integration tests
In another shell, dump and report via
mvn jacoco:dump jacoco:report
Open your report on
(by default)We had a similar scenario where integration test were run on a jetty server. Also we needed a combined report for all the tests unit and integration. The solution we implemented was to run-forked jetty and pass the jvmargs with the jacoco javaagent details. Our code coverage reports covered all the rest api's and the service layer java code. The pom config for jacoco
With the above config we generated a common exec file for both unit and integration test. Next we configured jetty to run-forked
This would launch jetty in a separate jvm with the jvmargs. Finally we generated the report in the reporting tag of the pom. We noticed that adding the report to the build plugins did not capture the integration tests run by the jetty.
The reports can be accessed at target/site/jacoco/index.html, alternately you can run it from the command line.
Hope it helps.
I think if you would manage to attach the JaCoCo-agent to the jvm that runs the jetty, it should be able to measure which code has been called over the time you run the integration tests against your webapp. So you should get a statistic that shows you the code coverage.
There is a JaCoCo Maven Plugin - though I'm not sure if this will help with you scenario. Just used it during unit tests.
Edit: found a blog-post that seems to point in the right direction here Measure Code Coverage by Integration Tests with Sonar
You can use Jacoco plugin to generate code coverage Here is the plugin configuration I used for junit test code coverage.
Note: you may get life cycle not covered error in maven while using eclipse, one way is you explicitly mention the life cycle using plugin management. I installed the jacoco plugin from the market place which resolved my problem