I'm very slowly working my way through learning the URL loading system for iOS development, and I am hoping someone could briefly explain the following piece of code:
NSString *myParameters = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:@"one=two&three=four"];
[myRequest setHTTPMethod:@"POST"];
[myRequest setHTTPBody:[myParameters dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]];
Eventually I would like to be able to create an application that logs into my ISP's website and retrieves how much data I have left for the rest of the month, and I feel as though I should get my head around setHTTPMethod/setHTTPBody first.
Kind regards
This is a pretty simple HTTP request setup; if you have more specific questions you might do better asking those.
This sets up a string containing the POST parameters.
The request needs to be a POST request.
This puts the parameters into the post body (they need to be raw data, so we first encode them as UTF-8).
The first line created an string, it can be replaced with:
It's written in initWithFormat so you can extend it to assign parameter value.
Second line indicate this is HTTP post request.
The third line, setHTTPBody method take NSData type, so you need to convert string type to NSData using dataUsingEncoding method.