Is it possible to have more than one dependency resolver in ASP.NET MVC 3 (similar to the case of ModelBinders and Providers)?
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There is one scenario that I could think of where having multiple 'containers' or 'resolvers' is useful and that is multi-tenancy. With multi tenancy you run multiple customers (organizations, with their own set of users) in the same web application, and dynamically switch based on the login, request info, or domain info.
is -as Darin noted- static, so there's nothing you can (or should do about this). However, you could hide multiple containers behind a singleIDependencyResolver
abstraction and return an implementation based on some criteria. It might look like this:The following code snippet shows the usage of this
:No, this isn't possible. The
is a static property that could be assigned only one resolver. This being said having more than one dependency resolver in an application hardly makes any sense. The idea is that all your dependencies are managed by a dependency injection framework such as Unity, Ninject or StructureMap. You would then have a custom dependency resolver wrapping your DI framework of choice that will be used by ASP.NET MVC to inject dependencies in various objects of the execution pipeline.You are comparing it with model binders in your question but this comparison is unfair because a model binder is related to a specific type that it is designed to bind. Basically you could have many custom model binders for multiple view models.
You also seem to have mentioned some providers in your question but unfortunately you haven't beeen very specific so it's a bit harder to comment on this one.