Currently I am working MVC4.5 with razor, I have try to integrate Twitter API in My Application but no luck. Could you please help me how to integrate Twitter API in my Application. I have create twitter API which details following
OAuth settings
Access level Read-only About the application permission model
Consumer key - [ConsumerKey]
Consumer secret - [ConsumerSecret]
Request token URL Authorize URL Access token URL Callback URL
Okay, this isn't short and I can't tell you the whole process just with a few lines or even showing some code, but I'll try to give you the directions.
1. Authentication
First of all , most of Twitter API calls need to authentication (using your consumer keys). To authenticate you have to request twitter oAuth TOKENs (that's why request and authorize URL). Without these tokens, you aren't able to make requests for API calls that require authorization.
Authentication is made via oAuth (a lot of plataforms uses oAuth to authenticate, so familiarize with that):
You have not specified what you need to integrate, but here explain how you need to authenticate by what you need to integrate:
if you want to work with user data, you need this authentication:
The basic flow is:
again, this is a brief, that's all detailed at mentioned docs above
2. Making API calls
Twitter provide a lot of services through their REST API, the documentation is great, and you can find what you need to use easily:
Basically each service method have its own url and required parameters for making a call. And when you provide it, you'll receive a (JSON) response.
To help debug, they provide an amazing API explorer, that helps A LOT:
3. Twitter Libraries
Finally we have some library for twitter written for .NET:
Twitterizer was an amazing library, but seems they have stopped support:
some Twitterizer example at Twitter:
if someone know good ones, please edit this post.
4. Most important
And if you have some question, don't be afraid to research, read , read and read here: