Okay, so I've learned WPF and WCF and that was great. I didn't bother with CardSpace because it's probably not gonna take off.
Should i bother with Workflow,..is it worth it? What's the big deal?
Okay, so I've learned WPF and WCF and that was great. I didn't bother with CardSpace because it's probably not gonna take off.
Should i bother with Workflow,..is it worth it? What's the big deal?
I originally really liked the concept of workflows, but in the end I think I'll just use something like stateless or roll my own statemachine, and use a database for persistence. My biggest issue with it right now is that there still seems to be a huge memory leak in the workflow runtime. Makes me kind of nervous.
Thanks for all the advice guys. Cheeso get's the answer since he got the most up votes but all opinions are appreciated. I think I'll take Scroll Lock's advice and wait until v4.0 until I take a serious look.